TT-556 -- Coffee Shop Business, ebiz news from Japan

Japan is the number 3 importer of coffee globally. Per capita consumption, however, is putting the country at Number 41.


TT-554 -- Personal Imports to Test Market, ebiz news from Japan

Japan's Personal Import system allows for the simple import of private consumption mail order goods.


TT-547 -- Review of 2009, ebiz news from Japan

The last Terrie's Take of the year, a quick review of events that have shaped Japanese business in 2009.



TT-540 -- Medicines online after all, ebiz news from Japan

Will Japan's mystifying piece of legislation actually improve safety? Or is it another piece of bureaucratic ridiculousness?


The business case for green HR

This HRA Editorial provides a strong business case in advocating and using sustainable development principles to the practice of the HR profession. Read on and learn how HR and sustainable development can further drive your company's success.

Outta luck?

We’ve all been there, Friday night, 6:08PM before a 3-day weekend, shiny new-pen in one hand, empty tin-cup in the other…

TT-513 -- DoCoMo Buys Oak Lawn Marketing, ebiz news from Japan

Successful earn-outs for foreign entrepreneurs.



TT-512 -- 334, 000 Working Holiday Makers Can't be Wrong

How successful is the working holiday visa program?


TT-501 -- Is Now a Good Time to Start a Business? Ebiz news from Japan

The recession is predicted to to be with us for a while. Are low costs and government funds to SMEs good enough reasons to start up a business now?


TT-497 -- Metropolis Buys Kansai Scene Magazine, ebiz news from Japan

Who says print is dead? The future of publishing will lie in free papers and more engagement.



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