TT-931 (Tourism Edition) -- Wasted Opportunity at Sydney World Travel Expo

I'm writing this edition of my Tourist Take from Sydney, Australia. Three weeks ago I was approached by Liberta Inc's CEO, Keijiro Sawano, to assist with a regional revitalization initiative called Heartland.



TT-930 -- Alishan, the Organic Food Pioneers in Japan, ebiz news in Japan

The couple Jack Bayles and Fay Chen have been instrumental in helping Japanese discover organic and healthy foods even as the nation forgets its own heritage and takes on a Western diet.


TT-929 (Tourism Edition) -- End of Easy Gains in Japan Inbound Travel Sector?

The Japan Tourism Agency (JTA) had more good news to share last week, when they announced that Japan had attracted 28,961,000 foreign travelers in calendar year 2017, up 19.3% on 2016. They spent a record JPY4.416trn (US$40bn).



TT-928 -- Five Predictions for 2018, e-Biz News From Japan

How did we do with our 2017 picks? We got one right (Trump and a business pickup in his first year), two wrong (Inbound tourism is still pumping, and Toyota is not doing anything notable in Electric Vehicles yet), and two others still developing.


TT-927 (Tourism Edition) -- How JTB Lost Control of Japan's Inbound Hotels Business

For a foreign customer who doesn't know the JTB name, it's a surprise when the Japanese web site suddenly demands a pre-payment and often with severe penalties.



TT-926 -- Masters of Japan's Beach Trash Universe - the Bonzi's, e-biz news from Japan

As non-Japanese living here, with the high profile that comes from being different, we can play a pivotal role in helping to make things better. We can even build a business around being civic-minded residents.


TT-925 (Tourism Edition) -- The Economics of Beach Trash in Japan

I took a second look at the view and realized he was right, there was trash everywhere, particularly white plastic shopping bags, food and chemicals containers, bottles, and pretty much everything in between.



TT-924 -- 9 Useful Things to Know About Terminating Staff in Japan, ebiz news from Japan

Our advice is to get your Work Rules in place as soon as possible after establishment and NOT to wait until the tenth employee is hired. The reason for this is that it is FAR easier to negotiate with 1-2 early employees than it is with 10 or more.


TT-923 (Tourism Edition) -- Adding Content to Concrete, to Make a Hotel a Destination

It's all too easy to forget that what makes money is not just the barebones offering but also the value-added services that inspire or stimulate the customer.



TT-922 -- Dealing with a Rogue Employee in Japan, e-biz News in Japan

It's tough being a foreign businessperson in Japan. Unlike our Japanese colleagues, we don't have a support network that stretches back to High School or University, and thus we're often left in a lonely and uninformed position.

