TT-842 (Tourism Edition) -- Why Expedia is Not Doing Well (Yet) in the Japan Inbound Market

The local operation of Expedia is very Japanese. However, like other "Japanified" foreign-firm branches, they have lost their ability to recognize and respond to external trends.



TT-841 -- Mis-allocation of Funds: Zombies and Parasites vs. Start-ups. E-biz news from Japan.

When it comes to small company support, the words "vested interest" and "parasitic behavior" come to mind rather than "nurturing" and "creation".


TT-840 (Tourism Edition) -- New Minpaku Rules Make Most Airbnb Listings Illegal

Would Airbnb's business model be allowed under the new minpaku rules or not? Restrictive provisions of the new rules make it clear that most Airbnb renters will still be breaking the law.


TT-839 -- Trust, Not Lawsuits Will Build Nutraceuticals Market, ebiz news from Japan

Japanese companies are nothing if not secretive about successful B2B products and processes, especially in the emerging field of nutraceuticals.


TT-838 (Tourism Edition) -- Before Arriving, What Do Tourists Most Want to Do in Japan?

According to the Japan Tourism Agency quarterly tourist survey, the number one thing that foreign tourists want to experience before coming to Japan is to try authentic Japanese food.



TT-837 -- Robert Rann, the Entrepreneur Behind Grape Off, e-biz news in Japan

We first came across Rann shortly after he arrived in Japan, when he was helping out a media firm, and a little after that when he was appointed the CEO of an internet recruiting firm called Asia-net.


TT-836 (Tourism Edition) -- Government Attitude to Inbound Tourism Changes

The Shoryudo project is a collaborative effort by the nine prefectures of Shizuoka, Aichi, Gifu, Nagano, Mie, Shiga, Fukui, Ishikawa, and Toyama, to develop their rural destinations for foreign tourists.



TT-835 -- BitCoin and Chinese Real Estate Purchases, e-biz news from Japan

The government declared in late December that it considers Bit coin a security like any other and will shortly legislate to regulate the trading of Bit coins by corporates.



TT-834 (Tourism Edition) -- Why There May Be Less Chinese Tourists in 2016

The Nikkei ran a number of articles expressing fear that the current rout in the Chinese stock market could impact Chinese tourism into Japan.



TT-833 -- Predictions for 2016, e-biz news for Japan

Welcome to the first issue of Terrie's Take for 2016. Usually our first Take features predictions about general Japanese business and politics. But we thought we'd focus a bit more on our core expertise, which is tourism.

