TT-455 -- Small M&A's heat up, ebiz news from Japan

Terrie explains why M&A activity at the lower end of the market looks most likely to increase. For analysis of the market including details about buyout trends Read Now


TT-454 -- Obesity epidemic, ebiz news from Japan

Have fast food and Western decadence taken their toll on the Japanese waistline? With 10% of adults technically classified as obese, what is Japanese society and business doing to alleviate increasing concerns about
'the fatness epidemic'? Read Now


TT-453 -- Cheaper gas, ebiz news from Japan

This week we look at how cheaper petrol taxes are at the center of a political power struggle in the Diet. Join the dots between political factionalism, voter priorities, the construction industry and the levy on gas Read Terrie's Take Now


TT-452 -- Predictions for 2008

Terrie starts the year by making ten predictions for 2008. From the credit crunch to politics and from demography to biotechnology, find out what Japan can expect this year. Read Terrie's Take Now


TT-451 -- 2007 Wrap-up, ebiz news from Japan

Here we are at the last issue of Terrie's Take for 2007, our tenth anniversary of producing the newsletter. As we look back on the year, we have tried to identify ten events/trends that we think typify 2007 and indicate the trends for those of us living as foreign "guests" of Japan for the coming 2-3 years. Read Terrie's Take Now


TT-450 -- Stem Cells and Teeth Banks, ebiz news from Japan

This week's newsletter puts the spotlight on tooth bank and stem cell bio-technology. For the latest scientific and commercial developments, Read Terrie's Take Now


TT-449 -- Unhappy and Unemployed, ebiz news from Japan

Demographic pressures, shifting work/life values and an increase in the number of foreigners on the labor market, have left Japan's employment landscape in a state of flux. Which direction is the market headed and what opportunities does this present? Read Terrie's Take Now


TT-448 -- IPO market update, ebiz news from Japan

Is taking your company to an IPO worth it? Demands for discounts have made the prospect of listing less attractive and the benefits are questionable. Terrie takes a look at some recent cases to identify the contours of the current IPO market in Japan. Read Terrie's Take Now


TT-447 -- 1-seg primer, ebiz news from Japan

Digital TV on a mobile phone appears to be a trend fast gathering momentum in Japan. Is this a passing fad or a taste of things to come? What prospects are there for this to become an international phenomenon? To find out Read Terrie's Take Now


TT-446 -- Tooth Decay, Ebiz news from Japan

Terrie takes a look at the state of Japanese teeth. What differences are there in dental care in Japan and what are the latest trends in the dental products market? To find out Read Terrie's Take Now



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