Why doesn't the Tokyo Olympics committee follow the same good sense of its predecessors and hold the Olympics in, say, September-October? No one is saying, not in public anyway.
Given that most nuclear power plants do not need plutonium as a fuel (although those using a mix called MOX do), the only conclusion we could come to was that Japan is on the threshold of having nuclear weapons.
For the first time in 44 years, in the first half of 2015 there were more inbound tourists than Japanese going overseas. The forecast for inbound tourists for 2015 is now around 18m.
The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) outbreak in South Korea has knocked the stuffing out of the tourism industry there. Apparently the number of Chinese tourists fell by 54% in June.
Sales of residential property to Chinese and Taiwanese are up 70% in the first quarter of 2015, according to leading Taiwan listed realtor, Sinyi Realty.
The gist of a meanwhile deleted article on Yahoo Japan News was that it was highly likely that short-term hosting of private rooms to travelers would become legal, under the framework of the Special Zones law.
This last week, Itochu entered into an exclusive license with California-based Ifeelgoods, the USA's leading online digital rewards company, to start offering digital content to recipients here in Japan.
It almost seems like there is a group controlling the Narita Airport governing body that has gone to significant lengths to build an abomination called Terminal 3, as a means of undermining the LCCs.
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