TT-677 -- Comparing Japanese & Swiss Tourism Efforts, ebiz news from Japan

The Swiss have a very similar number of inbound tourists each year and much like Japan, the sources of Switzerland's tourists are nearby countries.



TT-676 -- Electronics Sector Weakness, Who's Next After Sharp? Ebiz news from Japan

The company owes about JPY2.5trn (US$31bn) to the banks and other bond holders, a crushing debt burden, with shares slipping from around JPY800 this time last year to just JPY198 on Friday.


TT-675 -- What Happens if Mt. Fuji Erupts? Ebiz news from Japan.

Most recent was the Hoei Eruption of 1707, when when Fuji was active for several weeks, spewing out an estimated 800 million cubic meters of ash.


TT-674 -- What Future for eAccess? Ebiz news from Japan.

Nomura Securities reckons that eAccess' fixed-line ADSL business is declining -- not hard to imagine, as indicated by the fall in subscribers to the service.



TT-673 -- Lifeguards with Nothing Better to Do, ebiz news from Japan

We know from practical experience that swimming in Japan is not a particularly pleasant activity, due to the way that swimming pools are policed by imperious lifeguards.



TT-672 -- Will Dentsu hit a home run with Aegis? E-biz news from Japan

Dentsu is paying a huge 48% premium over the last closing price for the object of its desire -- marketing group Aegis, making the takeover deal worth about US$5bn.


TT-671 -- National Election this Fall? E-biz news from Japan.

Japan's established parties should be worried about mayor of Osaka Toru Hashimoto's popularity, especially after his earlier strident anti-nuclear stance. He is quite smart, although prone to some bizarre personal values.


TT-670 -- Now is Always a Good Time to Form a Company, ebiz news from Japan

While it may be counter-intuitive, we still believe that now is a good time to start a firm, especially in a market as large and diverse as Japan's.


TT-669 -- Foreigners Easy Source of Taxes, ebiz from Japan

Now that the rise in Consumption Tax is all but assured, we think there are some very interesting changes in store for how the Japanese Government and Japanese companies think about making money.


TT-668 -- Anti-nuclear Demo Gains Momentum, ebiz news from Japan

Apart from the size, what made this demo unusual is that it wasn't organized by a specific political group. You had moms with babies, salarymen, senior citizens, Buddhist priests, and people from all walks of life.

