TT-708 -- Safety and Money - It's All Relative. E-biz news in Japan

This week we thought we'd cover a number of issues relating to safety and how the bigger the problems, the bigger the fudging that goes on to reconcile the solutions with their attendant costs.


TT-707 -- Online Games Challenges for GREE, ebiz news from Japan

GREE spent US$104m in April 2011 to buy out a US games platform operator called OpenFeint. The OpenFeint platform wasn't particularly well built.


TT-706 -- Cool Japan May Not Be So Cool After All. E-biz news from Japan.

The job of the "Cool Japan" fund will be to promote Japanese content, high-status food, and cultural products abroad, and to presumably encourage people to travel to Japan and try them here as well.


TT-705 -- Dangers of Japan's Quantitative Easing Plans, e-biz news from Japan

Under the influence of PM Shinzo Abe, the Bank of Japan declared its new strategy for fighting deflation. The bank said it would embark on its own version of America's Quantitative Easing (QE) program.


Five Things About Haragei: The Japanese Business Language

Even if you have lived in Japan for many years, communication in the business world can often make you feel like you’re playing a constant guessing game. Messages can be hazy, details not specific enough, and questions sometimes seem to be forbidden. You are probably aware that the style of communication in Japan relies heavily on non-verbal cues. However, are you familiar with one of the driving forces behind this implicit style of communication?

Bits, bytes and truths

According to Wikipedia: “the word technology refers to the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function”.

TT-704 -- Why Do Deals Get Done in March? E-biz news from Japan.

Corporate planning teams in each company spend most of the year window shopping, and only look to pull the trigger after they've seen everything that is available for that given fiscal year.
