TT-708 -- Safety and Money - It's All Relative. E-biz news in Japan

This week we thought we'd cover a number of issues relating to safety and how the bigger the problems, the bigger the fudging that goes on to reconcile the solutions with their attendant costs.


TT-671 -- National Election this Fall? E-biz news from Japan.

Japan's established parties should be worried about mayor of Osaka Toru Hashimoto's popularity, especially after his earlier strident anti-nuclear stance. He is quite smart, although prone to some bizarre personal values.


TT-668 -- Anti-nuclear Demo Gains Momentum, ebiz news from Japan

Apart from the size, what made this demo unusual is that it wasn't organized by a specific political group. You had moms with babies, salarymen, senior citizens, Buddhist priests, and people from all walks of life.


TT-658 -- One Year On, Radiation Update. Ebiz news from Japan.

There has been a show down going on over the restarting of the nation's 53 nuclear reactors.


TT-657 -- Printing Industry in Upheaval, ebiz news from Japan

In February multiple major firms in the printing industry have predicted losses on ordinary operations.


TT-600 -- Networking Your Refrigerator, Smart Power Meters. E-biz news from Japan

TEPCO announced it will roll out 27m smart power meters to consumers from 2013.


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