JIN-446 -- People to watch out for in 2008

Who'll be making the Japanese headlines in 2008? The JIN tries to foresee who'll be the movers and shakers in 2008 in politics, business, popular culture and sport. Read Now

TT-451 -- 2007 Wrap-up, ebiz news from Japan

Here we are at the last issue of Terrie's Take for 2007, our tenth anniversary of producing the newsletter. As we look back on the year, we have tried to identify ten events/trends that we think typify 2007 and indicate the trends for those of us living as foreign "guests" of Japan for the coming 2-3 years. Read Terrie's Take Now


WW-169 -- Keitai for Kids

Despite Japan being one of the safest countries in the world to raise a family, child security features on wirelss devices are a hit with consumers. For the latest on DoCoMo's innovation in this regard Read Wireless Watch Now

JIN-445 -- McJapan

The golden arches have been in Japan for over 35 years and during that time the business has been hugely successful. For an overview of McDonald's in Japan including its latest campaigns and fortunes, Read JIN Now

Are Fukuda and Homer related?

Is it just me of do they look remarkably similar?

TT-450 -- Stem Cells and Teeth Banks, ebiz news from Japan

This week's newsletter puts the spotlight on tooth bank and stem cell bio-technology. For the latest scientific and commercial developments, Read Terrie's Take Now


GW-285 -- The Hottest Gizmos and Gadgets from Japan

This week's Gadget Watch looks at the growing trend in 1-seg tuners, Kenwood's new desktop audio system and COWON's portable audio and video player.
