The Rising Tides of Fashion Populism

Japanese shoppers have a new confidence in their cultureBy W David Marx (MEKAS)

The overwhelming percentage of Japanese women owning Louis Vuitton handbags—anywhere between 30% and 90%, depending on whom you ask—has transcended objective statistical measure and transformed into a powerful symbol for the insatiable Japanese lust for European fashion goods and luxury brands.



Southern Comfort

Sukuji Beach, Ishigaki IslandSukuji Beach, Ishigaki IslandBy Chris Willson

Exploring Okinawa’s Yaeyama Islands

Okinawa’s Yaeyama Islands are at the southern end of the island chain, 2,000km from Tokyo and only a sixhour ferry ride from Taiwan. Surrounded by crystal-clear waters, coral reefs and white sandy beaches, the islands have become a heavenly retreat for urban Japanese, and are in the fortunate position of not playing host to any US military bases.



Back & Forward

They weren’t spending it on I-pots...By Ken Worsley

Back and Forward is a regular column that takes a slightly irreverent look at some of Japan’s biggest business stories.


Classic Crossword

CrosswordCompiler: Burnaby

J@pan Inc is offering a prize of two free tickets to see Tokyo Sinfonia—Japan’s finest chamber orchestra conducted by Robert Ryker—for the first completed crossword sent to us at: Crossword, J@pan Inc Communications, Minami Aoyama First Building, 7-8-1 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062



TT-444 -- Baby Machines, Ebiz news from Japan

The sexual dimension to Japan's crisis of demography has prompted opinions from politicians, economists and anthropologists on how to solve the problem. Terrie takes a critical look at what Japan is doing to deal with the dearth of births. Read Now



GW-280 -- The Hottest Gizmos and Gadgets from Japan

This week's Gadget Watch takes a look at the new Aquos P line LCD televisions, Sony Cibershots' new 4GB digital camera, and Hitachi's Wooo UT home entertainment system that blurs the line between a usual LCD television and display.
