How the Japanese IT Industry Destroys Talent

James Mok: James MokJames MokBy James Mok

While troops of IT project managers and engineers are being sent to ‘Death March’—a popular term to describe the brutal working conditions of extreme overtime work, tremendous customer pressure and poor office environments at the frontline of failing projects—the Japanese enterprise IT industry has been failing to cultivate innovation, reward its workers or attract young graduates.


IT: What To Watch Out For

IP telephony • Skype • PBXL • CentrexBy Anna Kitanaka

Japanese consumers have been slow at catching onto IT trends, with a monopoly from big name brands like Yahoo!, Rakuten, Mixi and YouTube taking places in the top ten most visited sites in Japan. However, slowly but surely, smaller IT companies are hammering their way through, all competing for a slice of the pie. We take a look at the established IT companies’ methods of surviving in a competitive and fluctuating market, plus the up-and-coming companies’ innovative ways of gaining a share of the market.


Mr Ozawa’s Poisoned Chalice

Mr Ozawa, leader of the DPJ, makes a speech to the DietMr Ozawa, leader of the DPJBy Tobias Harris

On the night of the Upper House elections, Ichiro Ozawa, president of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and architect of his party’s election strategy, was nowhere to be found. As the results came in, Naoto Kan, DPJ acting president, and Yukio Hatoyama, DPJ secretary-general, spoke to the press about their party’s victory and excused the absence of the third member of the party’s ruling troika. Perhaps Mr Ozawa was absent due to shock at the scale of his party’s victory.



JIN-439 -- Alcoholism in Japan

Alcoholism is a growing problem in the world. What is the situation with problem drinking in Japan and what support is available for those suffering from alcoholism? To find out: Read Now


Environmental-related Stocks

Power PlantBy David Hodgson

Opportunities and risks in the Japanese stockmarket

The Kyoto Protocol obliges governments to cut greenhouse gases. With oil over US$70 a barrel, we are likely to see a replay of what happened after the 1970s oil shocks. Market forces are likely to lead to increasing use of more fuel-efficient cars, solar power, liquid natural gas (LNG) and nuclear power to reduce emissions. Japan has world-leading companies in auto fuel-efficiency, solar power, LNG plant engineering and nuclear power.


Terrie's Job Tips -- Starting Your Own Company - Part Four: Hiring Staff

Probably the biggest burden that any new company owner can take on is the act of hiring and supporting their first couple of staff members. For a start, it requires quite a change in mindset. One minute you are looking after yourself: devoting all of your attention to your customer's needs and having the satisfaction of giving them 100% effort and effectiveness. Then, as you hire in another person or two, you find yourself having to provide training, execution support, personnel management, as well as salary and legal administration.


Capital Guarantees

Capital GuaranteesBy Chris Cleary

In investing there is always a tension between the desire to maximize gain, and the wish to avoid loss. These are key parameters in the selection of financial instruments.


Inside Out: The Realities of Virtual Business

Second Life: how far do the possibilities go?By Peter Harris

J@pan Inc’s column concerning business possibilities outside of Japan

“Open a nightclub, sell jewelry, become a land speculator; the choice is yours to make.” No, not the text of one of Donald Trump’s entrepreneur seminars, but the opening invitation on the business page of virtual community Second Life’s website. Increasingly, Second Life (SL) is becoming a place where businesses naturally want to extend their operations to, or entrepreneurs decide to try out one of their latest ideas.


High Tension Suspension

Yoshiki WatanabeYoshiki WatanabeBy Anna Kitanaka

Although necessity may be the mother of invention, sadly, war is often the catalyst for contraptions to grow from crude devices to precise, efficient, mass produced instruments. From the aerosol can to the computer, the wars of last century had a major impact on their forward development. This trend is also true for some of our oldest inventions: Springs.


Natural Born Killers

Every day the human body produces approximately 5,000 cancer cellsBy Joseph Greenberg

Cancer cells exist in all of our bodies. Thanks to the presence of Natural Killer (NK) cells that diligently patrol our system, these cells are prevented from mutating into dangerous cancerous growth. In light of this understanding, the world’s cancer researchers have tried to increase the number of NK cells in cancer sufferers as a way of treating those afflicted by the disease.


