JIN-420 -- The Other Okinawa

Certainly Okinawan politics do have an impact on regional security architecture and both Washington and Tokyo know that they have to keep an eye on local elections and protests there in order to continue to host 70% of the US troops stationed in Japan. Normally local politics are influenced by...

Terrie's Job Tips -- Networking in Japan: Part Two - Japanese Organizations

The easy part of networking as a foreigner in Japan is getting together with people of similar backgrounds and cultures, and mixing for social reasons as much as business. Many of us do this without thinking, and without realizing that we're missing the best part of being in Japan - and that is the chance to mix with our Japanese colleagues. After all, associations and clubs are THE glue that holds Japanese business together and which allows CEOs and others to find new opportunities in this face-to-face culture.


TT-426 -- Japan, the Land of Concrete

This week Terrie explains how concrete has changed the face of Japan and why a new coating technology is increasing the life of concrete buildings. Read Terrie's Take Now



JIN-419 -- Rigging in the Digging

Bid-rigging or 'dango' apparently takes places in the majority of public works projects in Japan. However, in an exclusive interview with Dr. Hiroshi Ohashi, Associate Professor of Economics at Tokyo University, we learned that as a result of the activities of the Japan Fair Trade Commission, and declining government budgets, the days of bid-rigging are numbered. Read Now

Summer 2007 Issue

Summer 2007Summer 2007

On the cover: High Returns
The secret of CBRE's
real estate success

Masatoshi Shiota:
Quartz-glass skin surface treatment
for the protection of concrete

Lanabake's Light Saving Solutions:
Bright ideas for office lighting

Inside: Our Real Estate Special
Are you ready for Web 2.0 Marketing

Summer 2007
(June 2007)
No. 72

Subscribe to receive print issues.


Terrie's Job Tips -- Networking in Japan: Part One - Finding a Suitable Organization

"It's not what you know, it's who you know," is an old refrain that works well in Japan for job hunting. As I've written before, employers will often take on someone who is not ideally suited for a position but who appears to have the right temperament and basic skills - so long as they can get to know them first and feel comfortable about taking the extra risk. The problem for the job hunter then, is how do you meet these employers?


TT-425 -- A Reluctant Host? Japan's Tourism Industry

Japan's 'cheapskate' marketing of itself as a tourism destination, and its lack of realism about where its overseas visitors are actually coming from, constitute Terrie's main focus this week. He argues that Japanese tour operators are now "paying the price for this timidity and lack of vision." Read Terrie's Take Now


Message from the Publisher

Terrie LloydTalking to a local economist at the beginning of this year, he said that if no serious downturn occurred in the US markets by mid-year, then he reckoned that Japan would have a good chance of seeing its growth continue for the rest of 2007. It looks like the US has had a soft landing and escaped the possible fall-out of low-end forced mortgagee sales, and thus the economies of both nations are doing well.


Message from the Editor

Peter HarrisA real estate issue and the move to bi-monthly

Dear Readers,

It is a very exciting time to be taking the editorial position at J@pan Inc. Japan’s economy is looking confident, and its interaction with the rest of the world is at an unprecedented level. In no case is this more so than in real estate, the theme for our summer edition.


Letters to the Editor

We welcome all your comments, thoughts and suggestions - this is the space to make your voice heard.

