TT-742 -- TiE Tokyo Chapter Open for Business, e-biz news from Japan

A newer global self-help entrepreneurial business organization, TiE, has appeared on the Japan scene, and this one seeks specifically to develop new entrepreneurs, although the networking aspect is there as well.


TT-703 -- JOBS Act-like Crowdfunding for Japan? Ebiz news from Japan.

The Financial Services Agency may allow crowdfunding websites in Japan to expand from their limited "donations" style of getting cash to start-ups, similar to the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) in the USA.


TT-695 -- Where to Find Venture Funding in 2013, ebiz news from Japan

Things have changed a lot since the heady days of 1998-1999, when the 4-year US dotcom bubble had just hit Japan's shores and when it was possible to raise a hundred million yen on a mere business plan.


TT-654 -- Next Wave of Micro-fund Business Incubators, ebiz news in Japan

There are numerous announcements of the formation of funds and incubation facilities for Japanese start-ups.


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