TT-715 -- Foreign Card Restrictions at ATMs. E-biz news from Japan.

Seven Bank has once again suspended MasterCard, Maestro, and Cirrus cards, and so tourists looking to withdraw cash will be out of luck, unless they go to the post office or one of the few Citibank or Shinsei ATMs.



TT-676 -- Electronics Sector Weakness, Who's Next After Sharp? Ebiz news from Japan

The company owes about JPY2.5trn (US$31bn) to the banks and other bond holders, a crushing debt burden, with shares slipping from around JPY800 this time last year to just JPY198 on Friday.


1 + 1 = ? (Aozora + Shinsei = ??)

Rumors are flying about a proposed Shinsei-Aozora tie-up (these are nothing new, but recently the background noise on the subject has increased)...

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