TT-813 -- Building Dreams Out of a Baklava Bakery, e-biz news from Japan

Hasel Foods is the only company in Japan making freshly-cooked Baklava. It is all hand-made and requires years of study and practice to make well.


TT-812 (Tourism Edition) -- Japan About to Overtake Korea as an Inbound Tourist Destination?

The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) outbreak in South Korea has knocked the stuffing out of the tourism industry there. Apparently the number of Chinese tourists fell by 54% in June.



TT-811 -- Are the Chinese Buying Up Japan? E-biz news from Japan.

Sales of residential property to Chinese and Taiwanese are up 70% in the first quarter of 2015, according to leading Taiwan listed realtor, Sinyi Realty.


TT-810 (Tourism Edition) -- Airbnb To Become Legal in Japan After All?

The gist of a meanwhile deleted article on Yahoo Japan News was that it was highly likely that short-term hosting of private rooms to travelers would become legal, under the framework of the Special Zones law.



TT-809 -- Big Shakeup in the Loyalty Points Sector. E-biz news from Japan

This last week, Itochu entered into an exclusive license with California-based Ifeelgoods, the USA's leading online digital rewards company, to start offering digital content to recipients here in Japan.


TT-808 (Tourism Edition) -- Narita Terminal 3 - Possibly the Worst New Airport in Asia

It almost seems like there is a group controlling the Narita Airport governing body that has gone to significant lengths to build an abomination called Terminal 3, as a means of undermining the LCCs.



TT-807 -- Natto and Healthy Aging, e-biz news from Japan

Today we want to cover another superfood -- natto. WebMD says that a number of the active ingredients in Natto, including Nattokinase and Vitamin K2, help to control cardiovascular diseases.


TT-806 (Tourism Edition) -- Opening Minds with Travel Internships

Over the last three years we have been bringing mostly young people in their 20's to Japan for 4-6 weeks, and assigning them to write stories on their experiences all over the country.



TT-805 -- SIM Madness of the Phone Variety, e-biz news from Japan

One of the most frustrating things for tourists coming to Japan is how to get their cell phone working. A new law restricts members of the public from buying pre-paid phones without proper person identification.


TT-804 (Tourism Edition) -- When Disaster Tourism May Be Acceptable

Since Japan is never going to be free of danger from natural disasters, how can we get tourists to embrace the opportunity to "experience" nature, rather than be scared by it?


