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Updated: 26 min 29 sec ago

Wage Gap in Japan: Women Earn 25% Less

June 6, 2024 - 11:06
The wage gap between men and women in Japan shows no signs of narrowing, with women earning about 25% less than men. As the government attempts to address the issue, some companies are working to improve the treatment of female employees. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

How Does the Appearance of a Home Improve with Sofa Covers?

June 5, 2024 - 19:45
The living room, which serves as the focal point of their home, greatly affects how at ease and at ease individuals feel. One simple yet powerful way to update their living space is to get fashionable couch coverings. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

Japan Real Wages Fall for Record 25 Consecutive Months in April

June 5, 2024 - 17:22
The nominal wages received by Japan's workers in April increased by 2.1% compared to the same period last year, but real wages, which account for changes in prices, decreased by 0.7%. This marks the 25th consecutive month of decline in real wages, the longest on record. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

Japan's New Strategy Targets Content Industry

June 5, 2024 - 08:26
The Japanese government has announced its aim to expand Japan's content industry globally, targeting an economic impact of 50 trillion yen. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

New Banknotes to Debut in July for the First Time in 20 Years

June 4, 2024 - 22:37
Japan will introduce new banknotes in July for the first time in 20 years, featuring Shibusawa Eiichi on the 10,000 yen note, Tsuda Umeko on the 5,000 yen note, and Kitasato Shibasaburo on the 1,000 yen note. However, the change poses challenges for vending machine replacements. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

Japan's Transport Ministry Raids Toyota Headquarters

June 4, 2024 - 15:43
Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism conducted a raid on Toyota Motor Corporation's headquarters on Tuesday morning after discovering fraudulent activities related to the certification of 'type approval,' which is necessary for mass production of vehicles. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

Toyota and Four Other Motor Companies Exposed for Fraud

June 3, 2024 - 23:28
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) has revealed that an internal investigation prompted by a series of fraudulent vehicle certification tests by Daihatsu Motor and others has uncovered similar fraud by Toyota and four other companies. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

Empowering Businesses: Unveiling Energy Comparison Insights

June 3, 2024 - 22:03
When it comes to business energy comparison, managing costs effectively is crucial. Energy consumption is one of the most significant expenses for any business. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

AEON Launches Nationwide Fixed Price 40,000 Yen Sale

June 3, 2024 - 15:57
In response to the fixed tax reduction that started this month, AEON has launched an flash sale, uniformly reducing prices to 40,000 yen. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

AKB48 Investigates DX at Small Factories!

June 3, 2024 - 04:03
AKB48 takes a closer look at digital transformation (DX) in small factories across Japan. How deeply has DX penetrated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? AKB48 reports from the ground, unveiling the future shaped by DX. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

How 3D Printing Could Transform Japan's Manufacturing Industry

June 3, 2024 - 03:32
Yuuji Hara, CEO of Extrabold, is revolutionizing Japan's manufacturing industry with a groundbreaking 3D printer. His goal is to make 3D printing technology accessible to small factories, and development is progressing rapidly. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

Twelve Former Big Motor Executives Not Indicted in Street Tree Incident

June 1, 2024 - 15:38
In the case involving the withering of street trees in front of former Big Motor stores, the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office has decided not to indict twelve out of the thirteen individuals sent by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, including former Vice President Hiroichi Kaneshige. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

Record 9.7 Trillion Yen Intervention: Former Finance Official Analyzes the Move

June 1, 2024 - 15:30
In an effort to curb the yen's depreciation, the government and the Bank of Japan conducted a record 9.7 trillion yen intervention during the long holiday period. Does such an intervention effectively counteract yen depreciation? (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News

Princess Kako's Visit to Greece Sparks Fashion Frenzy with Sold-Out Knitwear and Dresses

June 1, 2024 - 14:26
Princess Kako, who visited Greece, has returned to Japan. The local media has been reporting on her as the 'Diana of the East' and her clothing choices have caused a significant stir, with items selling out rapidly. (News On Japan)
Categories: Japan News
