BIT-SIZED: Muneo House -

Back to Contents of Issue: June 2002

I don't remembeeeeeer. "Kiokuni Gozaimasen, gozaimasen, gozaimasen," (I don't remember), intones the rapper, as DJ Muneo spins the latest house tracks on the spoof site Munex. Apparently, DJ Muneo is one of the hottest celebrities in Japan's underground culture. We're told that The Muneo House movement began in 1986 and that its members include Diva Makiko (Makiko Tanaka), J-pop singer Katoh and DJ Tsujikiyo amongst others, all of whom look remarkably like Photoshopped disgraced politicians. 

The real Muneo Suzuki was recently 'expelled' from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. Among his faux pas were a running battle with former foreign minister Makiko Tanaka and allegations of impropriety in the bidding process for a public project to build a facility -- nicknamed Muneo House -- on Kunashiri Island in Hokkaido. Come to think of it, the politician Muneo seemed to come over all forgetful at the time too: "I don't remembeeeeeer."

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