Back to Contents of Issue: November 2003
by John Dodd |
Modest recovery
The triple whammy of 2000-2001 was little felt by local Japanese companies other than the exporters, who were already mired in a decade-long recession and knew things were bad.
We focus on the small group of companies here in Japan that specialize in servicing foreign executive customers in Japan. Many of these companies saw a devasting decrease in the volume of business during the last three years up to the start of this year. Now that the economy in the US has been picking up, since the middle of this year at least, it appears that the service sector here in Japan is also picking up as well.
Space Design's Ruth Shiraishi captures the general impression of improving foreigner inflow into Japan: "We're seeing a lot of smaller foreign venture and IT companies coming to Japan recently. As Japanese companies realize the need for immediate and grass-roots change, they are leaning more and more on outside sources. While it used to be the foreign firms trying to penetrate the Japanese market on their own, we are now seeing Japanese and foreign firms collaborating and commingling. The whole world of business in this country is undergoing immense change. Indeed, walk in to almost any 'conservative' firm these days, and you will see people of all nationalities walking in and out of their doors."
Amongst the first of the local service companies to see an improvement of inflows of foreigners and expats was Phoenix Transport Japan, a full service moving company. Phoenix's general manager Martin Giles says, "We have seen a significant overall business increase in the last 12 months. In fact, we've had to increase our staff numbers and move to larger premises to accommodate the increase in business."
To verify that this wasn't just a trend limited to a single company or service sector, we also spoke to Hamish Ross, director for Occidental Cars, about the demand for vehicles by expats.
"As of now we are seeing an increase in both customers and activity," he told us. "It is fair to say that particularly as of June this year, there has been a turn around in expats coming into Japan, and companies are starting to feel more comfortable about sending foreign employees for temporary assignment into Japan." Ken Arbour of Century 21 Sky Realty agrees, saying that, "Things could not be much worse than they were last year after 9/11 in 2001. We're seeing an increase in the number of foreigners coming into Japan, although we still have a good ways to go before we get back to the pre-9/11 era."
Increase in young professionals
That doesn't mean that the traditional expat family is on the wane however. Occidental's Ross tells us: "Our 7-8 seater vehicle range is still the most popular vehicle configuration today. Companies are still shipping over families." Indeed, Sky Realty's Arbour confirms this point, elaborating that those families are typically ones with small children rather than teenagers.
Budget constraints
While companies are cutting back, nevertheless they do still appear to be paying the major bills. As Sky Realty's Ken Arbour says, "Companies still pay for everything relating to accommodation and moves in Japan. But they are caught in a quandary, trying to figure out how to cut back on incentives and costs, while at the same time motivating good people to come to Japan."
Caution is being exercised by all concerned, and families coming into Japan are electing to use temporary accommodation for a period before going into regular accommodation. The Mansions' Loeffelholz says, "We're seeing more families staying in our facilities. They typically stay about 2-3 months then start looking for more permanent apartments."
Apartment hotels versus permanent apartments
Space Design's Shiraishi basically agrees that it comes down to a question of economics. "The turning point at our furnished apartments versus getting a long-term unfurnished one is about 1.5 years. This is because we don't charge Key Money, agent fees or utilities fees. You also don't have the cost of importing and exporting your furniture when you get posted to the next location."
The good life
Then there are pets. Almost all of our respondents said that the request for keeping a pet was low on most people's agenda, and most landlords will not permit one anyway. However, if you do have a family dog or cat you can't leave behind, then it helps to have a good realtor. Sky Realty's Arbour tells us, "Some buildings take pets and some do not -- it's that simple. We know who they are, and can advise tenants accordingly." Commenting on whether you can simply take your pet in and deal with the consequences later, he says: "In general I do not advise people to flaunt the no pet clause in their contract. However, I do know of one particular building where they are very tolerant, and even though the contract says no pets, everyone knows that it's OK to have one."
If you do decide to bring your pet to Japan, then you also will need help to organize the rather daunting pile of documentation and quarantine logistics. Luckily Phoenix has a service called Phoenix Pets, which handles all aspects of relocation of clients' pets. Pet relocation calls for extreme care, attention, experience and some good old fashioned TLC. Phoenix arranges professional pick-ups, handling, transportation and quarantine assistance. In addition, it assists with inoculations and documentation.
Being a foreigner is getting easier
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