TT-715 -- Foreign Card Restrictions at ATMs. E-biz news from Japan.

Seven Bank has once again suspended MasterCard, Maestro, and Cirrus cards, and so tourists looking to withdraw cash will be out of luck, unless they go to the post office or one of the few Citibank or Shinsei ATMs.



TT-714 -- Employees: Breaking Up is Hard to Do. E-biz news from Japan

Economists reckon that 10% of employees (about 4.5m people) in Japanese companies are redundant, and if they could, companies would let that many go in order to increase productivity.


TT-713 -- Do You Really Need an Office in Japan? E-biz news from Japan.

Japan Inc. Holdings assists foreign companies to set up in Japan, assisting with a wide range of situations, challenges, and solutions, so that the client's foreign head office management feel that they are in control.


TT-712 -- JA is the Problem, Not Farmers. Ebiz news from Japan

There are a number of lobby groups in Japan that have been trying to hold back TPP, among them the medical, education, insurance, and legal sectors, but the one group with the greatest sway over TPP is the farming lobby.

