TT-688 -- What Will Happen to Panasonic and Sony? Ebiz news from Japan.

Shock waves went through the Japanese share market last week after ratings of Sony and Panasonic, two of Japan's bedrock electronics manufacturing companies, have been cut to junk grade.


TT-687 -- How to Collect Tax on eBooks? Ebiz news from Japan.

With Toronto-based Kobo, Rakuten would be able to "do an Amazon" and bypass Japan's consumption tax laws by selling Japanese-language ebooks from abroad.


TT-686 -- Turns One and is 800-strong

Sometime later this week, our sister publication, Metropolis will mark a significant milestone: its website will surpass Lonely Planet for the sheer number of articles available about Japan in English.


TT-685 -- Bureaucrats -- Enough is Enough, ebiz news from Japan

Reading the newspapers over the last few weeks, one could be forgiven for thinking that Japan is suffering a plague of corruption and insider dealing, especially by its bureaucrats.
