TT-778 (Tourism Edition) -- Opportunities in the Coming Travel Boom

What sectors will be hot in the upcoming travel boom? There are many, and all have to do with servicing the tourists or servicing the folks who service them.



TT-777 -- Over-staffing as a Cultural Habit. E-biz news from Japan.

Most Japanese senior managers, no matter how entrepreneurial, are educated and conditioned to work in groups, and the idea of working alone in their Country Manager role doesn't feel to them like a "real" company.


Japan holds its breath on casino bill

With the Japanese lower house of parliament currently debating a bill to legalise casino gambling, the subject of gambling is a trending topic in Japan right now. The bill is the culmination of ten years of lobbying - not least by former Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara - and is seen by many as paving the way for the construction of some of the largest casino sites anywhere on earth.

TT-776 -- The Right To Be Forgotten, in Japan. E-biz news from Japan.

The Tokyo District Court ordered Google to remove search results that implied a man was connected to a criminal organization ten years ago. This case appears to be echoing the finding in a European court earlier this year.


TT-775 -- Tatemae and Dengue Fever, e-biz news from Japan

A teenager was reportedly bitten by a mosquito at Yoyogi Park, and shocked local officials took immediate action and closed the park the next day, subsequently undertaking an intensive mosquito eradication campaign.
