TT-915 (Tourism Edition) -- Just Minutes from Kobe, but Awajishima Stuck in a No-man's Land

Awajishima is popular with cyclists because it has a road system that mostly hugs the coastline, offering great views of Osaka's Kansai International Airport, and flaming red sunsets in the late afternoons.



TT-914 -- AI Dieting and Health Apps - an Appropriate Export? E-biz news from Japan.

Asken is a dieting assistant that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help the user figure out how what they are eating, and what exercise they are doing, will affect their weight and health.


TT-913 (Tourism Edition) -- A Little Place You've Probably Never Heard Of - Senboku, Akita

There is one inland gem, though, and that is Kakunodate, home to one of the best preserved samurai residential districts in the country. Kakunodate is an oasis of tranquility and beauty.



TT-912 -- The Good and Bad of Using Linked-In Within Japan, e-biz news from Japan

Linked In isn't popular because: a) when Japanese business people first establish a personal relationship, they do it with a face-to-face meeting, and b) because laying out your resume publicly is seen as "boasting".
