TT-885 -- Japanese Job Hopping Goes from No One to Millions in 20 Years, e-biz news from Japan

It was with some interest that we saw a press announcement put out by the government's Statistics Bureau several weeks ago that stated a whopping 3.06m Japanese switched their jobs in 2016.


TT-884 (Tourism Edition) -- Moving Beyond Rice Cookers and Hotels for Value in the Travel Sector

Inbound visitors have transitioned from high-spending luxury travelers, and "once-in-a-lifetime" tourists, to a larger group of lower-value repeat visitors with naturally less money to spend on each trip.



TT-883 -- Olympics Make a Great Excuse (Gaiatsu) to Get Stuff Done, e-biz news from Japan

It is a huge and very welcome surprise that the government may ban public smoking in enclosed spaces such as bars and restaurants, as early as next month (March, 2017).


TT-882 (Tourism Edition) -- We're Getting into the Cycling Business!

Japan Travel KK signed a contract with Japan's largest bicycle rental company, DoCoMo Bike Share, for Japan Travel to become DBS' main (but not sole) marketing and sales partner for foreign inbound tourists.

