TT-859 (Tourism Edition) -- Discovering Niche Opportunities in the Inbound Tourism Sector

Looking after niche markets such as custom and adventure travelers, we are experiencing steadily rising demand. Better still, currently we have very little local competition in either sector.



TT-858 -- Abenomics Part II -- What Really Needs to be Done

The Nikkei is saying that the new package will have four pillars -- infrastructure development, financial support for small businesses, mobilization of underutilized human resources, and disaster prevention measures.



TT-857 (Tourism Edition) -- Cheap Ways to Travel Japan

One of my favorite past times is creating ideas about how to help people travel Japan cheaply and yet reliably. The cheapest way to see Japan is to intern in our annual Japan Travel internship program.



TT-856 -- Why Abenomics Won't Work - It's the System, Stupid

Abe correctly said in 2013 that the economy needed to be turned around with three arrows. The third arrow, which was supposed to be deregulation and reform is in our opinion where he has failed.

