TT-821 -- Telecoms Ministry Bares Teeth Over Mobile Costs, e-biz news from Japan

The ministry is going to pressure the Big 3 (NTT DoCoMo, KDDI/AU, and Softbank) to reduce costs and innovate to bring mobile services back in line with consumer incomes.


TT-820 (Tourism Edition) -- How to Cure Google Withdrawal Symptoms in China

Having been there, I can safely say that as of September 2015, there is NO access allowed by the Great Firewall to Google services like search, Gmail, maps, etc.



TT-819 -- Laox Rides a Chinese Rollercoaster, e-biz news from Japan

Looking at the Laox stock price over the last 6 weeks, you will see that their shares have moved almost 40% from the top to bottom, then recovered by 20% in just the last 3 trading days.


TT-818 (Tourism Edition) -- Tips for Turning a Town into a Tourist Destination

Towns and cities all over Japan, funded either directly by the Japanese government or indirectly through private investment programs are now wondering how to attract their share of visitors.

