TT-789 -- Kameda's "Marys Gone Crackers" Acquisition 2 Years Later On, ebiz news from Japan

In TT 700, we wrote about a rice cracker company called Kameda Seika, which had just bought an upstart cracker company in the USA called Marys Gone Crackers (MGC). Has it actually worked?


TT-788 (Tourism Edition) -- Competition for Unique Experiences

Japan has many unique and interesting experiences. What all these events have in common, apart from the fact that they are powerful enough to draw foreign travelers, is that they are highly popular here at home as well.



TT-787 -- Predictions for 2015 in Japan, e-biz news from Japan

As is our tradition for the last few years, we will make some predictions about the coming year, but with a slight departure -- all the predictions this year are about the same theme, the economy.
