"Online extras" is a virtual extension of Computing Japan: the place on our website where we publish material that didn't quite fit into the paper magazine. One of our online extras each month is available for immediate public viewing. Others go first into our Subscribers-Only area and - just like the full online version of the paper magazine - are opened to public access after a three-month delay.

If you are a current Computing Japan subscriber, you can receive your free password by simply requesting one online (click on "Subscribers Only" on our homepage for more information).

Our September CJ Online Extras are:

  • Deep Blue vs. Kasparov - OK, so a computer can beat a human chess master. But can a computer hold its own with a human "go" (Japanese igo) expert? In "Can Computers 'Go' Beyond Chess," Thomas Caldwell looks at the complexities of the game of go, and reveals why the brute calculation power of a computer is still no match for human logic and intuition. (Subscribers Only)

  • Virus reports in Japan tripled between March and June 1997 (See "Virus Reports Reach All-Time High in June" in Industry News, page 9.) In "Putting Viruses Under the 'Scope," the Computing Japan editors offer a concise reference on what you should watch out for: a description of the common viruses, what systems they are infecting, and the most common paths through which infections occur. (Subscribers Only)

  • In August, Computing Japan publisher Terrie Lloyd gave his thoughts on what separates competent recruiting firms from unscrupulous headhunters (See "Headhunters - Scraping a Raw Nerve.") In September, he offers a second controversial installment of the Inside Story on the IT industry. (Public Access)
If you haven't been on the Computing Japan website recently (http://www.computingjapan.com), take a look. Send your comments or suggestions about our website or its content to cjmaster@cjmag.co.jp or editors@cjmag.co.jp.

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