THE AUGUST EDITION OF THE "ONLINE EXTRAS" SECTION ON the Computing Japan website ( features two expanded interviews, plus a new semi-regular feature.

"Online Extras" is a virtual extension of Computing Japan: the place on our website where we publish material that got squeezed out of the paper magazine. At least one of our online extras each month is available for immediate public viewing. Others go first into our Subscribers-Only area and - just like the full online version of the paper magazine - are opened to public access after a three-month delay. If you are a current Computing Japan subscriber, you can receive your free password by simply requesting one online (click on Subscribers-Only).

  • In our Subscribers-Only area for August, we offer an expanded version of our interview with James LaLonde, director, Asia Pacific, for anti-virus maker McAfee Associates. This online version includes over 2,000 extra words that got cut from the printed version of the interview on page 31 of this issue.

  • Also in our Subscribers-Only area is an expanded version of our interview (on page 22) with Takashi Kobayashi, CEO of Internet service provider Internet phone promoter RIMNET.

  • Working in LINC Media presents golden opportunities to see the inner workings of the Japanese IT industry. And our president/publisher, Terrie Lloyd, would like to share some of his insights and opinions with our readers. So our Public-Access feature for August is his first "Inside Story," a new semi-regular feature covering both local and global IT topics and issues.

If you haven't been on the Computing Japan website recently, take a look at our new homepage. We think it's more visually attractive and makes finding your way around our site easier. If you have comments or suggestions about our website or our content, if you have comments and suggestions about the site or our content, please send them to or

While you're online, if you have a kanji-capable browser and can read a bit of Japanese, don't forget to take a look at This is a new online "reminder" service created by LINC Media that will e-mail or fax you timely reminders of important events. Use and you'll have no excuse for forgetting birthdays, anniversaries, or important events again.

The Computing Japan website is supported by: CompUNIQUE, your personal service wholesale source, and LINC IAP, offering Internet-ready PC rentals. For more information on the products and services offered by these companies, click on their banner at the top of our homepage.

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